Monday 8 July 2013


It's getting to the stage where I'm a little concerned. It's not life-threatening, or anything, but it's almost three months now since I finished Alexandrine, and I still seem to be completely devoid of any sort of motivation to write anything new, in terms of fiction, or even any ideas as to what I should write about. The muse, never my closest ally, seems to have abandoned me completely. Maybe it's only a hiccup, after all the heart and soul I poured into Xander and David's story - I hope so, anyway.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Well, you were sick for a while. Give it a chance.

    Peace <3

  2. Oh no :S it's always a nightmare when that happens! I enjoy writing myself (although admittidly I am no where on the same scale of skill as yourself) and this recently happened to me, the cure was just letting go of all the restrictions of what I thought would make good story for a reader and just writing what I wanted to write! when I finished that little tale off I was back into the swing of things in no time :) I hope this little phase ends soon and as you say, I'm sure it's just a hiccup!

    1. Hello Cal
      I've just managed to come up with a little thing, a very short short story, so maybe the logjam might break soon. Alexandrine was such a big thing, by far the longest story I've written, and a story that, at the risk of sounding a bit masturbatory, I really like, that it's been difficult to pick up the traces again. Are your stories accessible anywhere? If your film review writing is anything to go by, I would imagine they're well worth reading.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. No I er I'm quite shy about my writing! I've never published online or anywhere to be honest! I was told too once by a friend but I was partly scared of it being stolen but more importantly I really didn't think it would interest anyone! It's mostly sci-fi, thriller, adventure, horror etc! I wrote one about me coming out but it was basically just a huge vent and anyway I deleted it after! But thank you for your interest, it means a lot :) I've read several of your pieces and I really am amazed! please get back into the swing of it soon, a talent like yours is something most people should be envious of :)
      Cal :)

    3. Hello Cal
      Don't hide your light under a bushel - it sounds like your writing is far wider-ranging than mine. I've tried to do things in other genres, without much success - boys like Xander always seem to get inside my head, and impel me to tell their stories! Venting in the guise of fiction is good, too - I've managed to say quite a few things in some of my stories that I might not have dared to say, even in a pseudonymous 'journal' blog like this one.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
