Monday 9 September 2013


That's me, unlikely as it may seem, at least to one 3 or 4 year old girl on the train back last night. I got on at 'worktown', the train being 'standing room only', and not much of that, so I ended up standing by the door. The girl, with her sister and dad, was sitting on the floor opposite me, and as soon as I got on, she couldn't take her eyes off of me, talking to her dad in awed tones about how tall I was. Once the train got under way, she repeatedly tried to attract my attention, hiding her eyes if I did look her way. It was funny, and cute, but, needless to say, all I was wishing was that I could find a boy, preferably one about ten years older, who I had the same entrancing effect on. The boy I saw on a bus much earlier in the day, 12 or 13, blond and very good looking would do nicely, thanks! No such luck, of course.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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