Saturday 7 September 2013


There are various things I don't understand about my psyche, most of them, as regular readers of my blog will realise, centred around my sexuality. There is another considerable issue, though, one which came to the forefront of my mind overnight. It comes over me like mist on a sunny day, sometimes, usually apropos of nothing, or nothing specific. A sort of unfocused, almost vague melancholy, but it can be powerful enough, on occasions, to reduce me to tears, and almost did so twice between my leaving for work yesterday evening and returning this morning, once on the train going to work, and once while I was actually at work, around 1:30 this morning. I've no idea where the sadness came from or why, nothing was different from the day before, nothing had changed, but my life seemed darker, somehow - I really can't explain it any more lucidly than that.
But then I got back this morning, and read a post worthy of genuine sorrow, which made my feelings seem stupid and childish. R.I.P., Daniel.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. A tragic, senseless event like this helps us put our own selfish desires into perspective.



    1. Hello Andy
      Perspective, indeed. A reminder that the world doesn't revolve around ourselves, that we are part of a greater whole, where, sometimes, awful things happen for no readily explicable reason.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. I know Sammy, it's driving me crazy. And there are no answers.
    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      No matter how empathetic we are, we can never truly know what is happening inside someone else's head. There's sometimes no way of finding the answer to the superficially simple question, 'Why?'. Often enough, we can't even find the answer to that question about ourselves, about what's happening in our own minds. We can try to be good people, though, and I'm sure the support you can lend to your friends at this time will be more than worthwhile.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
