Tuesday 27 December 2011

Not what I was intending to post

In some very early, dark hour this morning, when I was en route from home heading back to work, I found myself, for no logical reason at all, musing about someone I last saw about 8½ years ago, and about something that completely failed to happen. I wrote a rather lengthy post about it, but then realised that I really couldn't publish it, because the person I was writing about is very IT oriented - he works in the industry - and while the chances of him reading the post are, I guess, pretty small, if he did, he might not remember the events I was describing in the same way, if, of course, he remembers them at all - he was only 14 at the time. Nothing came of it, anyway, but, and I'm not looking at this through 'wishful thinking' glasses, it could have done, had I reacted differently to an unexpected turn of events. The most recent genuine possibility of my being involved with a boy, I think, and the only one in the last 20-odd years. And I blew it. Big time.
Just as an aside, I've found him online this evening, and he's based in London now. Small world.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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