Thursday, 27 December 2012

Christmas starts here

Christmas, that is, in any sense of doing the family type of stuff that most people seem to find one of the more significant parts of the festive season. My daughter arrived at 2:30 this afternoon, and, perhaps more than at any time in all of the upheavals of 2012, I was delighted to see her. My manager, at work this morning, asked if I'd had a good Christmas, and, in the interests of honesty, I had to say, no, not really, because I hadn't. Now my girl is here, though, things have begun to look up - we went for a late pub lunch, enlivened by our customary repartee, compared cyberspace notes, and generally had a nice time. Tomorrow will be a 'trip to the big city' day, with museums and possibly shopping on the agenda, although Saturday will only be a semi-together day, because my daughter is going to another of her YouTubers' gatherings, but anything is better than nothing, as far as I'm concerned. During our post-lunch chat, I got a bit emotional, telling my girl she was pretty much all that was left for me amongst the wreckage of my life, but, in all honesty, that's not too far from the truth, so visits like the current one are to be treasured. After all, who knows how many more times like this there might be?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. While your daughter will grow up, perhaps start her own family, I seriously doubt that you'll fall out of touch. The nature of visits might change - you visiting her and her family, or her bringing her brood along, too, but I am sure there will be good times ahead with her!

    You've obviously been a good dad, and she must love you, or it would be too easy to simply side step all overtures and just not visit at all, or only when totally obligated.

    Glad you're having a great time, enjoy the day in the city!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I know things will change as regards my daughter - things have already changed, in that I don't now see her on anything other than an occasional basis, so I try to make the most of those occasions. Because it would be unrealistic of me, no matter how great her importance in my life, to expect her to live her life in a way that suits me, and nor should she - she's an autonomous person, with her own needs, desires and ambitions, which will inevitably and rightly take her on her own path as she moves fully into adulthood.
      In the meantime, though, if we can have a good time when I do see her, that's obviously all the better, and that's what I hope will happen over the next couple of days.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. Hi there, Sammy

    I hope you both have a great time over the next few days.

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      As I said to Jay, the intention is certainly to have a nice time, and I don't see any reason why that shouldn't happen.
      I hope you had a good Christmas, and that all is well with you.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
