Thursday 13 December 2012

"I'm a bit distracted at the moment"

A moment of admission in a way, the first time I've actually overtly confessed to being attracted to a specific boy in real time to anyone other than my daughter. My brother had a meeting in London today, so we arranged that I should meet up with him afterwards and head down to his place, where I'm staying overnight. The journey began routinely enough, but at one of the principal stations en route a goodly number of schoolboys joined the train. One of their number, given that the train was pretty busy, ended up standing in the doorway of the carriage, at which point my conversation faltered. Noticeably. My brother didn't actually say anything, but he was aware of the hiatus. Hence my uttering the words in the title of this post. "By the door?" he asked. What could I say? Apart from to tell the truth, of course. He was blond and very good looking, 14 or so, just my thing. My brother took it in his stride, to be fair, for which I'm very grateful, because many would, I suspect, have found it pretty embarrassing, at least, or totally unconscionable, at worst. The boy got off of the train a couple of stops later, and the moment passed, but that didn't change what had happened, and what it had meant. Not quite outing myself, given that he already knew, but confirmation, if any were needed, of who, and what I am.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. OK, I'll just say it:

    I guess I woulda, too!
    Peace <3

    ps, good for your brother!

    1. Hello Jay
      Nothing quite as dramatic as that, but I did drool a bit! And it wouldn't have taken too much more proximity, never mind contact, for me to have become rather overexcited!!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
