Monday 31 December 2012

Good riddance

In the next few hours, UK time, 2012 will come to an end. Unless something completely unforeseen intervenes, I'll make it to the end of the year - which I'll be spending at work, appropriately enough, I suppose, given the amount of time I've spent there in the past 12 months - something which hasn't seemed to be guaranteed, or even probable, at various periods through its course. And, for all that I'm more than a little dubious about my prospects in 2013, as I said in my last post, I'll still be thoroughly glad to see the back of what has undoubtedly been the worst year of my life. I began 2012 in Cornwall, in a house which I owned, albeit precariously, in common with one other, with a family and its associated domestic life, possessions of one kind and another accumulated over the years, even a cat grudgingly acquiescing to my sharing her space. Now it's all gone, the house, virtually all of the possessions, life in Cornwall, my family, my marriage, even the poor bloody cat, leaving me in this single rented room in Surrey, with little but painful, regretful memories. And for what? I'm as far away as ever from the sort of connection I referred to in my post on this equivalent day of last year, or even of seeing how such a connection could ever come about in this current iteration of 'society'. Lose everything, gain nothing, yeah, good one, Sammy.
Whether or not 2013 is better, or even happens in any long-term way, for me, remains to be seen. I hope very much, though, that 2013 is a good year for everyone kind enough to visit here, and that things go to your individual and collective best advantage. Happy New Year to you all.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. It's certainly been a rough one, that's for sure. I do hope that you can squeeze some happiness out of 2013.

    Happy New Year, Sammy B!

    Peace <3

  2. Hi there, Sammy

    Thanks for the kind wishes. Best of luck to you for 2013!

    Take care


  3. Hello Jay and Mark
    Thank you for your continuing friendship and support, and for your kind words. I hope you both have a very happy and successful New Year. And my 2013 has actually started with something nice, and most unexpected, happening. Far too early to call it an omen, that really would be tempting fate, but very welcome, nonetheless.

    Love & best wishes to you both
    Sammy B
