Sunday 6 January 2013

But, on a happier note

This is what I was originally going to post today, before I was sidetracked by the other issue.
'A thing happened', my daughter said to me when I rang her this afternoon. That thing is that she is officially going out with a boy she initially 'met' in cyberspace, and subsequently IRL shortly before Christmas. He lives in Cornwall, albeit the best part of 40 miles further west than my erstwhile home, and is actually slightly younger than my girl, but only by a few months. It's the first time she's really had a 'boyfriend', as opposed to a friend who happens to be male, so I'm hoping things go well for her. Time will tell, as ever.

Love & best wishes to all
 Sammy B


  1. Excellent, another step in growing up! Glad you're happy about it, many dads cringe.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      As you know, I always try to respect my daughter's autonomy, so I don't see any reason why this area of her life should be treated any differently. The 'cringing' is all around sex, ultimately, but no amount of parental paranoia, short of locking the girl in her room, is going to make that side of things go away. The trick, as far as I'm concerned, is to try to make sure that anything that happens, happens safely and responsibly. Beyond that, it's none of my business.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
