Sunday 15 August 2010

Lazy Sunday - at work!

My all-day Sunday shift came round again today, and it proved to be a very straightforward experience. I spent most of the day with my nose buried in the laptop, only interrupted by a modicum of work every now and again. The only downside is the need to be there the whole time - that's the nature of the job, there might not be too much work, but it can arise at any time, and there's only one person, i.e. me, there to do it. It's definitely better (and better paid!) than digging ditches, so I'm not going to complain.
I spent some time today reviewing some of the stories I've started for the other blog, but not got around to finishing for one reason or another. One or two of them are beyond hope, and I'm only keeping the drafts in cast there's the odd bon mot I can recycle, but I put a bit more work into another, which has a pretty fully worked out plot, and may well make its appearance in 'Cuckoos' before too long. I feel I need to branch out in terms of subject matter with my fiction writing, and I did have one new idea for a slightly different kind of story, based on the 'plot' of an old and not very well known pop song, actually (I'm not saying which one, I don't want to be accused of plagiarism!), which may be next on the conveyor belt - hopefully not of unfinished stories!
A little treat came my way during the shift, in the shape of an appearance from 'DBJ', sporting sunglasses and his customary unflattering short summer haircut. Lose the shades, they cover up too much face, and grow that hair! It's my last few weeks of seeing him, after all, so I can at least fantasise about seeing him at his best before I go. I can barely believe that it's four years, give or take a couple of weeks, since I first saw him. I can remember it as if it was yesterday.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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