Tuesday 4 January 2011

Another milestone

First day back at work after the holidays, and I was straight into a big competence assessment, one of the more daunting days since starting my new job. Fortunately, I managed to get through OK, so I'll be moving onto something new from tomorrow.
I'm down at my brother's again, and I finally got to meet my nephew's long term girlfriend. They've been going out for about four years, but she and I have been like the proverbial 'ships in the night'. She seems like a nice enough girl, on first impressions, and if they've stuck together for this length of time, much of which has been spent with them living in different parts of the country, there must be something substantive there. As long as they're happy, of course, what the rest of us think is irrelevant anyway.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Well cool on passing the competency assessment. No one did my performance appraisal this year, my boss doesn't have time to appoint a supervisor for me. I have no idea why he can't do this, but I'm not worrying about it!

    And it's good you got to meet someone who might well be a part of the family some day.

    Peace <3

  2. Hey, Sammy... I guess I'm trying to imagine what this competency assessment calls for... In my job, it's probably roughly equivalent to 'writing the check time'... lol It's been a long time since that was a problem... in fact, I think the last time was some 20 years back, and, it was more that the client ran out of money, and was hiding on me, until I trapped her outside of her hiding place and demanded my last check... lol That's when she claimed that the work was inadequate... after 2 weeks of avoiding me and my many phone calls. She paid, finally, but it left a bad taste in my mouth, so I refused to build for her again... (Yeah, she had the nerve to try!!)

    And, you're right... Our opinions are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to love life stuff in the family- My nephew, who is getting married in June, introduced me to his future bride, and asked my opinion later, but, I was pretty certain that he was looking for affirmation, more than any real opinion...Oh well, he's the one who has to wake up, each morning with her, not me!! lol luv, tman<3

  3. Hello Jay and Tony
    I'm glad my assessment is over for the moment - I can't describe what it entails without pretty much giving away what I do for a living, sorry if that seems evasive, but I expended some nervous energy in anticipation of it, that much I can say!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
