Friday 28 January 2011

Straw poll

I've said on several occasions that I'm always pleased when people read what I have written, and that I'd continue blogging even if no-one visited, and I still feel the same way now. Having said that, I've come to notice a phenomenon, and this is the fault of Blogger, in a way, since they introduced their 'stats' option, which makes me curious. I never expect feedback, always considering comments as a privilege rather than a right, but I'd be interested to hear people's opinions in this instance. What I've noticed is that when I write what could loosely be described as an 'opinion' post, such as yesterday's, I never seem to receive any comments, whereas the more 'journal'-type posts usually attract at least one person who's kind enough to take the time and trouble. What interests me are the reasons people seem to fight shy of some posts - is it that my opinions are uninteresting, or the posts poorly written, are they egregious nonsense not worthy of attention, or is the fact that I'm a self-confessed boylover (which I'll admit most of these types of post seem to centre around) so far beyond the pale that people are afraid that by responding they'll either upset me, or face 'guilt by association'?
I can assure everyone that I'm not fishing for compliments or any kind of 'sympathy vote', I'm genuinely interested in reading people's observations, whatever they are. If anyone wants to comment anonymously, including any of my valued group of regular commenters, that's fine, if you want to criticise me, even to the point of calling me a filthy pervert who should be castrated with a rusty penknife, that's fine as well, as long as honest opinions are expressed. I've never asked for comments before, and, as things stand at the moment, I have no intention of doing so again, but I'd really like to hear what my readers think about this. I hope to hear from you soon.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I read all your posts. I'm interested in the trials of your life and hearing about how you are surviving. But most of the time I don't feel I have anything to offer that would be of any use, interest, or help. So I just read and lurk...

  2. Hello Brian
    Thanks for responding. I'm glad that you find something of interest in my blog, I'll try my best to ensure that continues.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  3. Hi, Sammy!
    Interesting observation. I, too, read all your posts. Sometimes I just don't comment. Dunno why or why not. Sometimes it's just a lack of time, other times I just can't form up an opinion one way or the other, and I guess at times, Jay R Loud just doesn't have anything to say. I didn't realize there was a pattern to it, but I enjoy reading your blog!
    Peace <3

  4. Hi there, Sammy

    I think I'd largely have to follow Jay: I read everything, and respond to some things. Why one post gets a comment, and another does not, seems to depend on quite a lot of factors: how much time I have for a particular session in blog-land; how many other bloggers' new posts seem to call for a response, and how urgently; whether any response comes to mind; and so on. Sometimes I will try to make a mental note of a post to return to once I've had a chance to chew over it for a while, but in practice this is almost always the kiss of death for actually commenting on it: "once procrastinated, always procrastinated" seems to be a fairly reliable rule. I suspect there is a sense in which commenting on an "opinion" post looks likely to require more mental chewing over than commenting on a "journal" post, and therefore it ends up in the ever-growing "not right now" pile.

    In short, I guess, it's a case of "too many blogs, not enough time". But I'm always interested to read what you write - please carry on.

    Take care


  5. Hello Jay and Mark
    Thanks for your comments. I know from my own experience that it's often difficult to come up with constructive comments on others' blogs - I have particular problems thinking of anything to say in response to Tman's posts, beautifully written though they are - so there's no implicit criticism of anyone. I was just trying to shed some light on something I'd noticed. Your friendship and support is, as ever, greatly appreciated.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
