Sunday, 30 January 2011

Winter breaks?

There seem to be a disproportionately large number of people in this little corner of the blogsphere taking breaks from blogging at the moment, either explicitly, by announcement, or by posting rarely or never  - is it just the winter blues, or have blogs suddenly become passé, and I've been too wrapped up in myself to notice?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Dunno who you're reading that isn't posting. In your blogroll, the top 20 are current within the last week. That seems to be about the same for my list. Some update daily, others weekly, others less frequently. I go in spurts. Sometimes two in two days, other times three or four days apart. Yesterday's was a nice find, so I posted it. I've seen a few "I'm leaving" notices, but not too many.
    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    It must be my perception of things, I guess - it just seems that some of the people I've got used to 'seeing around' are not around as much. I'm still a relative newcomer to all this, much as yourself, I've only been reading for just over a year, and writing for just under a year, so the comings and goings still have some novelty value.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  3. Young guys do tend to come and go a bit. I guess it is easier to become bored with it at that age. Situations change, too. Often the pressing need for support fades, and real life pushes blogging aside.

    It is a remarkable thing, that teenage guys feel comfortable expressing their feelings and personal lives in writing. For a few years it was almost a cool thing to do. But alas, I think the time is nearly past.

  4. Hi there, Sammy

    I think there are several different factors at work here:
    - the winter blues, as you suggest;
    - a number of younger bloggers seem to be feeling the pressure of school work at the moment;
    - quite a few bloggers (not necessarily ones you follow, though) seem to have largely switched to Twitter or Tumblr over the last few months.

    I don't think blogs are passe - several new ones have appeared in our corner of blog-land just in the last month. But there are fashions in these things, and Blogger may not be quite so popular as it was.

    Take care


  5. Hello Billy
    I'm not too old to remember how last week's cool is this week's boring when you're a teen, so the younger contingent's comings and goings are easily explicable, but it seems at the moment that older and longer established bloggers are becoming less prolific as well. No doubt it could all change again next week or next month, and we could see an upsurge of interest. Who knows?

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  6. Hello Mark
    Maybe I spend too much time hanging around in blogland, to the point of seeing nuances that aren't really there - as I said to Jay, I'm still, in the great scheme of things, a newcomer compared to many. I've noticed Tumblr's advance myself - my daughter has a Tumblr, apparently, although I haven't seen it - I could hardly ask her for its address when I so assiduously protect my own privacy!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  7. Hi there, Sammy

    I don't think I would regard you as a newcomer here any longer: you started your blog at almost exactly the same time I got my Blogger account, more than eleven months ago. My suspicion is that the lifetime of the average blog is something under a year, so I think we're both doing reasonably well.

    Take care


  8. Hello Mark
    Seeing myself as a 'newcomer' is, I guess, a matter of perspective, but having seen people who've been blogging for several years and have amassed numbers of posts into the thousands, I still feel like, if not a new boy, then maybe a first year. Having said that, I'm only a couple of posts away from 250, and that's not counting 'Cuckoos', so I'm pleased I'm still able to find something to say.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
