Monday 3 January 2011

End of the festive season

Today is the last day of the Christmas and New Year holiday season in the UK, only, though, because New Year's Day fell on Saturday, so the associated public holiday was transferred to today. Most people are back to work, school or whatever tomorrow - certainly my wife and I are back to work tomorrow, although we both worked three days last week, and my daughter starts back at school tomorrow. This time of year is traditionally known as 'the season of goodwill', which makes me wonder why we have to have a specific 'season of goodwill'. Why can't the goodwill last all year? Surely the world would be a happier place if that was the case? 'Impossibly idealistic' might be a typical reaction, but why? For all the supposed differences between people, we are all part of one species, there must be more that unites us than divides us. If everyone who was tempted to disparage somebody because of a difference race, colour, creed, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, colour of eyes, or whatever, decided instead to say 'that's another human being, but with differences according to their nature or personal choice', couldn't we live in a kinder, safer, happier world? Sadly, I'm not about to hold my breath in expectation of any such thing happening, but why shouldn't I dream?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I started back today. Oddly enough, in Federal Holiday happy USA, last Friday was the "Official" New Years Day. So I went back today. First day at work since Dec. 17.

    I hope for a nicer year, too. I'll join you in continuing to breath, though, since the haters just seem to be holding sway in so many ways.

    In any case, let's do our best to make it a better year!

    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    I managed to sleepwalk my way (almost literally!) through my first day back at work. I don't do resolutions, but if I did, I'd be trying to be kinder and more tolerant in 2011. Whether I'll succeed is a moot point, but never mind!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
