Friday 22 April 2011

Based on three things....

....ignorance, stupidity....and nothing else (Quote shamelessly stolen from the radio version of The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy). I read something earlier this evening which seems to fit this quote exactly (here - When will these right-wing, largely Christian fundamentalist, basket cases realise that you can't legislate away innate aspects of people's lives? As I've said before, you might as well pass a law outlawing left-handedness, for all the practical effect it would have. What sort of message is given by telling 5% (or more, depending on what survey you choose to believe) of your population that what they are inside is so far beyond the pale that it can't even be mentioned? I can only suppose these people still think being anything other than heterosexual is simply a choice, and if the choice isn't presented to young people, they'll all grow up to be compliant little straights. Well, I can say from my own experience that if I could have chosen my orientation, I certainly wouldn't have chosen something which attracts the degree of hatred and contempt that being a boylover does- yes, even self-hatred and self-contempt a lot of the time, too. It isn't a choice - it just is.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Typical Republicans...I dread the next national election, for fear we'll wind up with a Republican president again, and whatever little good Obama has done in this area will be undone. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

    Peace <3

  2. Very little in life is a choice; it's just about how you view things. The sooner you can be at peace with knowing very little is a choice the sooner you can pick the right option on the choices you do have.


  3. Hello Jay
    I don't for a moment think it's something uniquely American - the UK, and indeed most 'western democracies', for want of a better description, have plenty of horrible, self-serving reactionaries who are quite happy to feather their own nests at the expense of anyone they can victimise. The saddest part of it all is that there are substantial proportions of the electorate who are more than happy to cheer them along - which brings me back to the original point....stupidity, etc, etc.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  4. Hello Joe
    You're right - we are what we are, and it's how we play the hand we've been dealt that makes us good, bad or indifferent people. Sadly, there are many who are either unable or unwilling to understand that concept, and would rather vilify anyone who doesn't fit their narrow definition of 'normal'.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
