Tuesday 23 August 2011

Heading back to exile

Well, all good things, or, in the light of recent days, not such good things, must end, and I'm on the train heading back to Surrey. And, just when I need it the most, it looks like this stint could break my already unenviable record for the length of time I'm going to be away from home. It appears, on perusing the roster, that I've only got 4 days off due in the next four weeks, and no more than one day off at a time, so how or when I'm going to be able to next be at home is a pretty open question at the moment, although at the end of the four week period, I have got two weeks off to look forward to. Swings and roundabouts, I guess.
I have pulled out of my weekend tailspin a little, but my downbeat mood seems to be more difficult to break than usual. I'll just have to do my best to wind my neck in and get on with it, I suppose. I know what would cheer me up no end, but I also know there's virtually no chance of that eventuality coming about, so there's little point in speculating about it. Don't think about the impossible, or at least, highly improbable, might be a good piece of advice to give myself. We don't always follow good advice, though, do we?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I hear you about the schedule. And the way I identify with it is that my dad worked away for many years. He'd be gone a week, or two or more at a time. And he never got more than a weekend off.

    Glad you pulled up on the stick. And I hear you about the advice. Here's my take on any advice:
    Most asked for advice is unheeded, most unasked for advice is unwanted.

    Peace <3

  2. I just hate it when people are miserable!

    Oh but I'd be more than a bit interested to hear how you ended up working so far from home. What it in any way a choice or were you forced in some way?

  3. Hello Jay
    Needs must, and all that. I just hope the 'short term pain' elicits the 'long term gain'.
    You're right about advice - it's usually ignored whether good or bad, in my experiemce, unless it pretty much coincides with what the recipient was going to do anyway!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  4. Hello Micky
    The fact that I work where I do can be boiled down to one word - money. The hows and whys of reaching such a position would fill a pretty thick volume, but I can earn far more in the London area doing what I do than I could ever hope to earn anywhere within hailing distance of home. And, sadly, the extra cash is needed rather than wanted, so, no, I didn't have much choice, ultimately.
    Miserable? Well, I would say one man's 'miserable' is another's 'depressed to the point of the "S-word" sticking its nose above the battlements'. I'm in a rather better place than I was last weekend, but I don't think it would take a great deal to go wrong to pull the rug from under my feet again. It's a matter of perspective - I know the full story, and it's not pretty. I'm sorry if you find it unpalatable.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
