Wednesday 17 August 2011

Why are they not being thrown in jail?

These people seem to be able get away with anything, possibly even literally with murder, just by calling themselves 'Christian'. Meanwhile, the same fundamentalists want all gays, and especially 'paedos', not to be allowed within a hundred miles of any child so as to 'protect' them. I might be turned on by boys, but at least I don't go around punching 10 year olds in the mouth. Sheer fucking hypocrisy, yet again.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sammy;
    As you know, I am a Christian. However, there are times.... whew. It is perhaps the greatest tragedy to use an ideal that is beautiful, and we must admit that the basic concept of 'heaven' is beautiful even if the writers clog the doorway with trash, ... to use something so beautiful as a roadway to destroy someone. And yet, those willing to use this method seem only to be increasing and those willing to listen to such flowery rot are unbelievably so very blind even in this information age. It is phenomenal.
    hugs and warm thoughts;
