Wednesday 21 March 2012

It was all a bad dream. Except the parts that weren't.

I woke in the early hours of this morning from a dream/borderline nightmare about being molested. As an adult, by another adult, incidentally. I wrote a slightly tweaked version of the dream earlier, and posted it in Nephelokokkygia. Karma, I guess some might say, given my proclivities. Like all dreams, though, I don't attribute a great deal of significance to it. Neurons in the sleeping brain, doing their thing, and the brain system as a whole doing the primate survival enhancing thing of seeing patterns where they don't necessarily exist.
And anyway, reality is nightmarish enough, most of the time. If there actually is such a a thing as karma, my just deserts for the iniquities of my life are being dispensed when I'm awake, not when I'm asleep.

If dreams were all like this, though, who would ever want to wake up?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I've been having some weird dreams, too, involving situations I don't want to be in. It's too bad we really don't have a handle on what sleep is, how dreams occur, and more importantly, WHY. And yeah, this Queensryche is a great the way to dream! I've liked this song since it was released in 1990.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      My daughter said the other day that she'd heard people forget 80% of their dreams, and that's probably about right for me - they only stick in my mind about every fifth day, give or take. Even the ones that do stick aren't really worthy of that much attention as far as I'm concerned, though - just random brain activity promoted beyond its mundane reality, in my opinion.
      I love Silent Lucidity, even if it's a difficult love affair at times - there's no other song that's reduced me to tears as often as this one. 'You're safe from pain in the dream domain/A soul set free to fly'. Those lines really get under my skin, for some reason.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. "Proclivities"? Not going around raping people, I hope? That could be awkward.

    1. Hello
      No, much worse than a rapist in many people's eyes - I'm a boylover, 'the lowest of the low', a phrase actually used by one of my work colleagues a couple of weeks ago when the subject came up in conversation (not about me, I hasten to add, I'm deeply closeted in that regard). I can imagine him, and many others, cheering my hypothetical attacker on if I was to be raped, though.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
