Sunday 4 March 2012

To travel hopefully

'To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive'. So R.L. Stevenson said. He probably didn't get delayed on the way to work, and again on the way back, though, like I did today, meaning that I effectively spent three hours commuting today, with a relatively messy shift in between. And that was after doubling back from last night - I didn't get indoors until 10:30, and was out again at 6:15 this morning. As a result, I'm astonishingly tired, and have little doubt that I'll be asleep at a pretty early juncture tonight. Just four more early shifts to do, though, and I've got almost two weeks off. How restful and conducive to recuperation that time will be remains to be seen, of course.
Reverting to type a little, I've glanced at a few 'eye candy' sites this evening, and it struck me how many of these sites there are, and how they mostly have different pictures, and yet what a high percentage of the subjects are so lovely. Thinking about it, there's probably a simple answer - there are so many pictures of lovely boys because a great majority of boys are, in one way or another, lovely. Sammy's (facile) Hypothesis!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Ugh, I hate travel snafus. They just ruin the day.

    I hope the two weeks off work to your advantage. Presumably you'll be headed back to Cornwall, and all that entails.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Yes, I'm heading home on Thursday afternoon. There's little point speculating about how it will go, because I've really got no idea. I'll find out soon enough.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. Hi there, Sammy

    I hope you're sleeping well (as indeed I should be now!).

    This doubling back on shifts sounds somewhat dubious to me as a working practice: if you're on standard eight-hour shifts, you inevitably can't get enough sleep. I doubt that your employer can legally require you to do this.

    I assume your time off will be in Cornwall - best of luck with it. I think the timing may be good - the initial shock of last week's revelations has worn off, and two weeks together as a family will allow you to think and talk about the future without immediate pressure of time.

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      You're right in that we can't be forced to double back - the only place it appears on the base roster is the early to nights turnround on four Sundays in the 30 week cycle, and even then there's no compulsion to do it, because even though, they're rostered, Sundays are classed as overtime and are thus optional. Yesterday was an extra one for me - I should've been off - so it was more optional than most. I'm still pretty tired, after another early turn this morning - I think I can feel a power nap coming on.
      My time off, as I said to Jay, is planned to be at home, but whether I'll end up being there for the whole 12 days remains to be seen.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
