Sunday 25 March 2012


To be able to function in the world, I feel that a person has to, at minimum, achieve one objective. To justify yourself to yourself. After two things that have happened in the past 24 hours or so, I'm close to the point where that justification is absent.
The first, ironically, was the incident that so buoyed me up yesterday. Thinking about my so-called 'connection' with that little boy, because he was only a little boy, 10 years old at the most, and possibly even younger, all it really amounted to was projection of my desires onto him. If he did really smile in my direction, and it wasn't just my wishful imagination, he was only doing so either out of some sort of politeness, or the fact that he found me laughable. And I, by having the thoughts about him that I did, have violated him, objectified him. And that was even more the case with the second incident, on the train back from work, early this afternoon. There was another boy, older, maybe 13, travelling alone, on the last leg of my journey. He was, to my tastes, stunning, and I found myself standing next to him as we waited to get off of the train. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, watching his face in profile. He knew I was looking at him, and looked nervous and uncomfortable as a result. Needless to say, once the train doors had been opened, he beat a hasty retreat. OK, so I didn't touch him, accost him, do anything that could be construed as being against the letter of the law, but I still hurt him, put him in a position he didn't want, and shouldn't have been forced, to be in. Another objectification, the more so because I was starting to become aroused, just by standing close to him. Even as I type this, that physical reaction is starting to return. And that is where the difficulty in accepting myself and my actions starts to become an issue. Easy, on a busy train, to maintain self-control in the sense of direct physical action, but if I'd been alone with him somewhere?
On top of that, despite the dramas of the last few weeks, I'm still lying by omission to my wife, she only knows a part, and, in real terms, only a small part of the whole story. If I was convinced, and was proven to be correct, that she'd react badly to my being gay, that's as nothing to her reaction if she knew the real object of my attractions. I've said before that 'I am what I am', but what happens when you realise that what you are is totally unacceptable, even to yourself?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hi Sammy;
    I read the (latter) post in which you indicated an end to this blogging journey, and I then read this one. It's the odd thing of blogging in that we tend to catch up from up front... ya know.
    My friend, if you speak to a psych who is not trying to be politically correct, attraction to children is as real an attraction as to an adult. It is hard for people who are hetero to understand homosexual adult attraction, and it is just as hard for adult attractions to understand juvenile.
    The thing that jumped to mind as i read this was the understanding you have gained that you put this youth in an uncomfortable position, and even in fright. Love, for anyone, is wanting the best for them; that they feel powerful, alive, safe and free. Love is not about sex, it is about care.
    Well such is my observation. Be well in all things, my friend.

    1. Hello Randy
      I know my attractions are real, all too real, and not, in my opinion, any grounds for psychiatric intervention - it's how I am, how I was born. That said, they are completely unacceptable to virtually the whole of society, and that's where the dissonance kicks in, the struggle to justify my continued existence. I've fallen for believing the propaganda, I suppose, how can I be right and the billions be wrong? I was ashamed that I'd made the boy on the train feel uncomfortable or worse, but I would never have actually physically done anything to him that he didn't want. It is, ultimately, love that I'm looking for, not sex, which, of course, makes it even more vanishingly unlikely that I would ever find what I want. The lost boy inside will remain lost, always.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. Oh, My Friend;
      I wish I had words that would help. I send you hugs and my very best wishes for you.

  2. Hello Randy
    Thank you for your concern. I'm a pretty hopeless case, though.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
