Wednesday 21 August 2013

A temporary return - maybe

After saying yesterday that I'd 'officially' moved to Surrey, a phone call I received this afternoon might see me returning to Cornwall, albeit only for a few days. My ex rang to say that her dad, who's in his eighties, isn't at all well - he's apparently been in hospital for some weeks after a series of falls. For obvious reasons, she wants to go and visit him, so, given that I start a week's holiday after tomorrow's shift, I've said I'll go down and look after our daughter - not, at her age, that she needs a great deal of looking after, just someone around in case anything unforeseen arises - so that my ex can go to the Midlands for a day or two. Nothing has been confirmed just yet, but it's more likely than not that I'll be setting foot in the county that I still consider to be 'home' for the first time in almost a year. I have set one condition though - if I do go, I'm having nothing to do with looking after the dog. That will be my daughter's responsibility, I'm afraid!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. OH MY!!! A week with K!!!!!
    TOTALLY AWESOME! I'd look after the dog for that opportunity!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know, Sammy, NO ONE can EVER fault you for not being a wonderful parent! You're so damn lucky to have K!!!!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      It's more likely to be two or three days than a week, but, whatever the timescales, it's something I'd never hesitate to do. And not just for K, really - despite everything that's happened, I still love my ex, too, even if that feeling isn't reciprocated anymore. As I've said before in the blog, 'falling out of love' isn't something I'm any good at.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
