Thursday 23 October 2014


I'm in my 'second-string' relatively local Wetherspoons, getting into my kind-of weekend off - I'm not working again until Sunday morning, and then start nights on Monday - and I've had the dubious pleasure of listening to a youngish woman on the next table rather obviously trying to proselytize her companions, waxing lyrical about how wonderful her god is, because she can freely drink beer and generally go about her life, but that there will, after death, still be a 'judgment day'. Maybe I'm being too cynical, but if anyone can explain to me how such a laissez-faire deity can be distinguished from the atheistic universe I believe to be the real one, I'd be interested to hear the evidence. Because evidence was, to me, the big 'missing link' in the woman's argument. Hence the title of this post.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. It's hard for so many people to explain their faith in a way that compels others to want to follow, too. I am glad I wasn't ever really exposed to that.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      As I've said before, it was, ironically, because I was exposed to so much religion as a boy, in my time as a church chorister, that I've ended up such a committed atheist. I heard the 'evidence', thought a lot about it, and made my decision, which I consider to be the correct one. At the same time, of course, I'm well aware that others hold different views, and that's fine - as long as they don't try and tell me how to live my life, which, sadly, all too many are wont to do.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
