Friday 17 October 2014

Where did that go?

I'm now into the afternoon of the last of my 12 days off work, and I can't believe how quickly it's gone, especially considering that I've done almost nothing of any substance. It's back to the grind - and getting up at stupid o'clock - tomorrow. The fact that my alarm will have to be set for 4:30 in the morning means that there's going to be no 'big finale' today - in fact, I haven't been out of the flat yet today, despite getting up before 7:00. I simply haven't been able to work up the energy or enthusiasm, although I may venture into what is a pleasant enough autumnal day after lunch.
There was a little unexpected bonus last night, though - I was out and about, and when I rang K after she'd finished school to see if she wanted to meet up with me at my local for something to eat, she actually said yes! So, tea at the pub it was, and some very congenial time spent together, for once. This time next week, K will be on half-term holiday, but we won't get the chance to do too much during her week's break, because I'm on nights, and she's also planning to go down to the West Country for a few days to catch up with her friends down there. So, last night was all the more welcome - I might even be able to coax her into spending some more time with her boring old dad, who knows!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I figured y'all would find time to have some quality interaction! You're seeing her more than I probably saw my parents when I was 15/16!

    Peace <3

    1. BTW, I don't get email notifications of your replies at the moment...working on a solution to that.

    2. Hello Jay
      It's always nice to spend time with K, all the more so when its unexpected.
      I don't know anything about e-mail notifications of that type, I've never used them, I just go back and check any blog where I've left a comment for replies. Maybe it's something to do with the interaction (or lack of it!) between Wordpress and Blogger.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
