Wednesday 23 February 2011

Episodic dreaming - and relentless real life

I've had something of a lie-in, at least by my standards, in that I didn't get up until almost 9:00. I had woken a couple of times rather earlier than that, but, unusually, managed to get back to sleep again. In between the moments of wakefulness, I had a very rare experience for me, a dream where I went back almost to where I'd left off before waking up, like an episodic drama. The subject matter of the dream was a little unusual as well, as it centred around one of my daughter's schoolfriends, who I've known since she was six years old, is almost terrifyingly intelligent, and who is, as an aside from my perspective, developing into a very attractive young woman - I'd certainly be drooling over her if she was a boy!
There's been a half hour break between the previous paragraph and this one, and, after the earlier discussion of a dream world, reality has intervened in all its dubious glory. My wife and daughter arrived back from their trip yesterday evening - there was initially talk of them having two nights away, but, in the event, it was only one - and my wife got up at around 10:00, being off work herself this week. As soon as she made it as far as the kitchen, it was clear that I hadn't come up to scratch - 'Have you fed the cat?' was the first thing out of her mouth, not 'Good morning' or anything vaguely civilised like that. She then hung around, waiting, in her inimitable fashion, for me to volunteer to make tea and toast - no likelihood of her actually doing it herself. I'm sorry if I sound bitter, twisted and sulkily hard done by, but there are times when, for all I like being at home, I feel like I'm seen as the scullion. I'll get over it, no doubt.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Sammy,
    I had a weird dream like that a few weeks ago. I woke up several times during the night (as I am wont to do), remembered I was dreaming and the content of the dream, then drifted back off and picked up where it had left off. The next morning I actually remembered the dream, which is more unusual.

    Having had no relationship like a marriage, though I was close once, I can't totally relate to that sort of comment. I've just been the money guy when the occasional roomie was out of money again (and again).

    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    I'm quite interested in dreams, although I can't say that I'm one of those who believe there's any great life-altering significance to them. This one was unusual enough to make me think it worthy of note.
    My annoyance with my wife didn't really amount to anything, as usual - I doubt she even realised I was annoyed. To be fair, there have been far more positives than negatives when the totality of our relationship is taken into account, but there are times, like this morning, when I feel like I'm being taken for granted, not a feeling I can imagine anyone enjoying.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
