Saturday 26 February 2011

I'm sorry, but you have got to be joking!

Since last week's news about the probable demise of her job, my wife has made some minimal efforts to think about what she might do instead. She came up with something this afternoon, however, the very idea of which sent me into a panic, the more so because I couldn't possibly discuss my reasons for panicking - she suggested that we could become foster parents. I can imagine almost nothing that could cause me more sleepless nights - having what could be a good-looking, or even not so good-looking boy, within my age of attraction, potentially from a background that might have left him emotionally needy, in my house 7 days a week. It sounds like the ultimate recipe for disaster, however good my self-control might be. Present me with a 'go directly to jail, do not pass Go, etc' card, why don't you? At least my wife picked up on my utter lack of enthusiasm, although I suspect she thinks it's down to my legendary lack of people skills, saying 'it might cause you a few problems'. Too bloody right, just not the kind of problems you're envisaging.
The stresses of our immediate situation have continued almost unabated today, with predictable results on my hiccuping heart, which has broken through the effects of my medication again. If it doesn't improve in the next 24 hours, I'll be heading for the doctor's, rather than back to work on Monday.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Wow, Sammy, what a day. I hope things settle down. Quite frankly, unless the UK pays a huge amount of money to be foster parents (over here they ostensibly cover expenses of the child - but it seldom does), that doesn't seem like a real way to make money...but again, I don't know how the UK works...

    I hope you improve heart-wise! That sounds serious. And if you have to go to the doctor, I hope it's covered and you don't lose pay.

    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    There seem to be people over here who make a living fostering kids, but there's no way I'd ever take the risk of being a foster parent - not even for a girl, and absolutely 100% certainly not for a boy.
    The heart arryhthmia I have has been ongoing for four years now, and the medication normally keeps it under control, but it's stress related, and when the stress levels get very high, it seems to overpower the pills. At least with our much-maligned, but still 'free at the point of delivery', NHS, I can go and see my GP without having to worry about how I'm going to pay for it - although I have strong suspicions that our present government would like to change that.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
