Saturday 4 June 2011

A short-lived improvement

Just when I thought I might be able to have a nice, peaceful, recuperative weekend, my hopes have been shot down in flames. My wife decided I haven't been doing enough to address our financial woes, and started lecturing me about it, and I'm afraid I reacted rather less amenably than she was expecting. So now the communication between us is terse, to say the least. Great. Make me feel even more worthless than I normally do, why don't you? It's times like this when I just feel like saying something along the lines of 'If you think I'm not good enough now, wait until I tell you what I really am.' It wouldn't cure anything, in fact it would probably destroy most of what's left, but there's only so much of this insidious undermining of my already fragile self-esteem that I can put up with before my patience runs out. I know it takes two to make an argument, and I'm not trying to say that I'm some some sort of innocent victim, but I really find it hard to cope with at times.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Financial issues, that seems to be the root of a lot of problems and arguments. Root, or possibly a triggering factor. Hope you guys manage to sort this one out.
    A piece of (probably worthless) advice; In state of despair, don't do anything before you give it a second consideration!

    Hang in there.


  2. Hello Daniel
    I hope we can keep all the plates spinning, financial and interpersonal. And I know what you mean about not doing anything rash - cowardice helps in this situation, if nothing else does.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  3. Sigh. I wish there were an easy answer. I hope lightning strikes the bank and blows all of its money your way! Imagine that! (Can you tell i'm braindead after today's event?)

    Peace <3

  4. Hello Jay
    There's nothing new as far as our fiscal situation goes, it's just the relentlessness of it all that is hard to deal with. I'm sure we'll find some way of dealing with it - robbing that bank, maybe!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
