Monday 26 July 2010

Out and about (and a P.S.)

Two trips out today, as my long weekend off continued. My daughter and I went into our (relatively) local city centre this afternoon, mainly by way of familiarising her with the local bus services, because she's getting to the age where she wants to be doing her own thing, and meeting up with her friends in 'town' rather than having her boring old parents ferrying her around all the time - not that she's incapable of using a bus, but she knows now where the relevant stops in the city centre are where she can get on and off, depending on where she needs to get to. My daughter and I, thankfully, always seem to get on well - my wife often gripes about her being 'Daddy's Girl' - but going out with her on a sunny day during the school holidays isn't without its slightly surreal side, because we're both attracted to the same sector of the male population! Harking back slightly to my 'Room 101' post of the other day, albeit in a slightly more light-hearted vein, I have this recurrent vision of my daughter bringing home her first serious boyfriend, and me promptly being smitten by him!
Our second outing of the day was one that had been postponed from yesterday. We'd decided to eat out some time over the weekend, something we don't do all that often of late, mainly for financial reasons, but my wife wasn't feeling all that special yesterday, so we rearranged it for this evening. We took a trip to a fairly reasonable Tex-Mex diner not too far from us, and I awarded myself Cajun chicken fajitas. How authentic they are is a moot point, of course, but enjoyable, nonetheless. The waiter was a bit taken aback by our dessert order - the girls chose sweet treats, mine was a pint of Budweiser! Whatever other bad dietary habits I might have, a sweet tooth is not one of them.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

P.S. It seems that I'm not the only one who's having misgivings about 'Yacky Box'. There's a very forthright (but sadly anonymous) comment on Rowan's 'JJ & DJ' post of today. I can only reiterate that I hope I'm so far from the truth that it's 'not even wrong', but I'm still, even with a day's worth of reflection, getting very uneasy feelings about all of this.



  1. Hi there, Sammy

    You're not the only one with misgivings about "Yacky Box", and mine are much stronger for a day's reflection. I fear a lot of people are going to be badly hurt.



  2. How will somebody get hurt?

  3. Brian

    I'm sorry, I meant 'hurt' in the sense of "mental distress, upset", rather than "physical injury". Perhaps this is British vs American usage?

    I don't know if you've read the latest post and comments on Rowan's blog, but there is some evidence suggesting that "Yacky Box" was not all it seemed. If that does turn out to be the case, I can see that a lot of people who followed it will be deeply upset.



  4. Yep. I don't feel hurt but I do feel stupid. I've been sucking all that stuff down and believing it without question. I just thought he was living in a really different, great world. Looking back on it, and listening to things others are pointing out, all of a sudden lots of things there now look suspicious to me. I guess I've just been really naive.

  5. Hi there, Brian

    I don't think there's any reason to feel stupid, or especially naive. We all want to believe a story like JJ's; it all seemed plausible, especially when you start from the posts on "Rent Boys" and "Twinergy". And there's still no definite evidence that "Yacky Box" is a fake - just suspicions. I will be interested to see what further responses there are to Rowan's post.



  6. People can have their trust in others destroyed when an on-line friend, or boyfriend, turns out to not be what he presents. The victim can end up affected for years, if not the remainder of his life. He may never trust anyone enough again to have a healthy and satisfying relationship.

    There are also physical dangers. Not necessarily in this particular case, but who knows where it may have led if JJ is a sham and somehow managed to persuade DJ to meet in person. DJ could've ended up beaten, raped, and/or dead.

  7. Hello Mark, Brian and Lightning
    I hope I haven't opened a non-existent 'can of worms' with my theorising, but I was working from what DJ's last post actually said, about someone 'he loved more than anyone' having caused him the upset, and then 'Yacky Box' suddenly disappearing without warning. As Mark says, there's no definitive evidence one way or the other at the moment, and I wouldn't have expected 'JJ' to appear on my blog in any circumstances, but if he's a genuinely wronged teen who's just had a falling-out with a friend, I would've expected a comment on Rowan's blog, or some contact with Rowan, at least, both of which are conspicuous by their absence at the moment. I'm still fervently hoping I'm wrong about all this, and it's all just a figment of my paranoiac mind, but I've seen nothing yet to quell my unease.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
