Thursday 17 March 2011

Fantasies, fiction and fragility

It's well documented in this blog that I struggle with my lot in life from time to time, and, as I've said before, human nature, or, at least, my version of it, dictates that I tend to write about the more melodramatic elements. Today has been a bit of a case in point. I've had scenarios rolling around in my head which, looked at with any degree of realism, are total fantasy. Just because I'm meandering around a big city like London, it doesn't make it any more likely that cute boys are going to fall at my feet, or even that some waif or stray is going to turn to me as his white knight. There's a total discontinuity between what's in my head and anything that's ever got the remotest chance of happening in real life. When you add in another somewhat fractious conversation with my wife this evening, about, guess what, finances and jobs again, and then my contriving to drive the final nail into the coffin of my mood when I read the latest episode of an online story I've been following to find it taking an unhappy turn, I'm left, once again, feeling distinctly down in the dumps. As usual, the feeling will doubtless pass, and I'll pick up the traces again tomorrow - which is, as they say, another day.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Yeah, tomorrow is another day. I certainly hope that things take a better turn soon, Sammy, it's hard to endure a constant beating down. Been there, felt that, and hopefully, like me, you will find things improving sooner rather than later, friend.

    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    Thanks for your kind words and support. I'm probably my own worst enemy at times, so it's great to have caring friends as a counterbalance.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  3. Ah - urban depression! Even though Pete and I live in a 'small town' in Derbyshire with hills and old stuff all around us, we can still draw the curtains and descend into a couch potato, navel-gazing stupor.

    The problem is that this usually has only one result which is to deflate and depress. Sometimes an uplifting book or a story on Nifty will save the day but otherwise it can take only one small thing to start the downward spiral.

    There are two or three solutions which we've found and which may, in some form or other, help you too.

    1. Sense of achievement - Pete teaches himself guitar with the help of endless lessons on the internet and books. I am building a model railway. If we each do those things we're interested in and get something to work - hey presto! Good mood!

    2. Going out for a good walk / bike ride / to the gym / even gardening. Almost anything which involves exercise in some measure released similar chemicals in the brain to the 'sense of achievement' we were just talking about. But the exercise makes you feel so much better coz the blood's flowing around and stuff too.

    3. Pete and I love each other. Neither of us has any doubt about that. It's just that life sometimes causes us to argue and even occasionally fall out for a while. But it's always nice to make-up again - and best of all if we don't let the argument start in the first place. So that's about tolerance and thoughtfulness and remembering why we chose our husband/wife/partner in the first place!

    So that's 'having a hug and cuddle and even a kiss' and saying ILY at least once each day. It produces wonderful happy, warm feelings so it's well worth making the effort - unless the relationship is in terminal decline for absolute certain, of course.

    It ain't easy - but some ways of avoiding depression are completely within our own grasp.

  4. Hello Micky
    Yesterday's downbeat mood was a combination of small things, but it passes, helped in large part in this instance by the knowledge that I'm off home to Cornwall in about three and a half hours time. I do have good days as well, but, as I said in the post, I'm inclined, as someone with a slight tendency towards the 'glass half empty' worldview, to write more about the down days. Here's hoping for a good weekend, at least!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
