Tuesday, 17 May 2011


My 'missing' post from the Blogger outage last week has reappeared, finally, in my list of posts, as a draft. So here it is again, with slight apologies given its ranting nature.


This is my second attempt at this post, and may not be much of an improvement on the original, and it's (yet another) rant. But here goes, anyway.
As some of my posts in recent days have clearly illustrated, I can get pretty upset about the deluge of hate that comes the way of boylovers, even those who have no intention of acting out their desires and potentially hurting anyone. It's not a pleasant experience in any way at all, but, to an extent, it's predictable - find a nice, easy target that no-one is going to sympathise with, at least publicly, and kick them hard and often, thereby earning Brownie points for the political party, church, or whatever other organ of social control the 'hater' is affiliated with. What really pisses me off, though, is when those kicks come from others in the LGBT 'community', if that's not an oxymoron in this context. Perhaps I'm more sensitive at the moment than I might otherwise be, but when I see a comment on the blog of a young gay teenager, written by someone else who self-identifies as gay, saying 'be careful of evil pedo homo fags', apropos of, as far as I could see, nothing at all apart from the commenter's own pet hates, I'm afraid it gets right up my nose. This is a rather extreme example of the genre, but it isn't exactly rare - it seems that some gay people are quite happy to pillory others of a not too dissimilar persuasion, presumably to deflect any unwelcome scrutiny in their own direction. Pass the shit on down the foodchain, until it lands squarely on the heads of the 'lowest of the low'. Well, I hope it makes you feel better about yourselves. Because it certainly doesn't make you better people.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hi there, Sammy

    I'm fairly sure that gay people have much more in common with the rest of the human race than they have different, and unfortunately one of the aspects that is shared is the tendency to be bigoted and discriminatory - and this despite the bigotry and discrimination that they themselves all too often suffer from. There doesn't seem to be very much of it in this corner of blog-land, thankfully, but it's depressing how often one finds, in other places, writing that boils down to "you can't be a real gay, because ...". We live in glass houses, but we are very keen on throwing stones nonetheless.

    Take care


  2. Hello Mark
    Very well put - you've managed to say in a couple of sentences what it took me half the day to come up with! It's sad, but true, that the majority of people seem to find it far easier to concentrate on what divides than what should unite.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
