Friday 27 May 2011

Life is like a seesaw

Or so it seems. The fluctuations between up and down seem to be more frequent than ever. I was a bit down this morning, as per my earlier post, but I soon got over that, really. Then, at work, I finally found myself unable to restrain myself from commenting on another example of the reactionary claptrap so seemingly beloved of some of my colleagues, although I did pick a subject where my views might not be quite so controversial as some others - physical punishment of children by their parents or other authority figures. 'It didn't do me any harm' was trotted out a couple of times, but I had to beg to differ - it obviously did do harm, in that some people have grown up as adults thinking it's acceptable to assault a child. I was smacked as a child, and the only result it had was to make me resentful towards my parents. One individual came out with what, in my opinion, was the worst attempted justification of all - 'You can't talk to children, they don't understand.' So you beat them instead? What will they understand from that? Arrant nonsense. Overall. I think I 'won' the argument, in that at least one or two of them seemed inclined to think about the issue rather than just continuing to parrot the kneejerk stuff, so I ended up by feeling a little bit pleased with myself.
Then I get back from work, to find DJ's blog has disappeared again. Not that he's got any duty to carry on with his blog just to keep me happy, but it wasn't the best news of the week, by any means. I hope all is well with him, even though, as I've said numerous times before, there's really nothing I can do to help either way. If only there was - I wouldn't hesitate.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. His blog was hacked, so I think he had Google pull it.
    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    Thanks for the update.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B

  3. Yeah and not just his blog has been hacked!

    Er, on the subject of child abuse (through beating and other stuff) I guess you've already seen 'Leaving the Grey Room'? which includes accounts several of us wrote about what happened to us as kids - because we needed to get it off our chests. They're on the 'Pages' linked towards the top of the blog page.

  4. Hello Micky
    I have seen 'Leaving the Grey Room' - very uncomfortable reading for me, given my proclivities. I like to think I'd never knowingly hurt anyone, but that word 'knowingly' seems to me to underline how unlivable my situation can be at times.
    When will things go right for DJ? It's no secret to anyone who reads my blog even casually that I care very much about him, but I just feel so impotent at times when the bad stuff happens and there's absolutely nothing I can do to help. Oh for a magic wand, as I've said more than once in the past.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
