Saturday, 28 May 2011

Nothing much to say

Nothing worthwhile, anyway. I suppose it's a function of my life being so work oriented at the moment - I'm just getting up, pottering about, going to work, coming back, internetting, going to bed, repeat tomorrow, and so on (although, having said that, I'm off tomorrow, but I suspect it will end up being a chill-out day). It isn't exactly the backdrop to sparkling, engaging blog posts. Even the little events that punctuate the days all seem to fall into a very limited range of categories - for instance, when I changed trains en route to work at lunchtime, there were a couple of absolute cuties on the station, but what difference does it make? They were too young, anyway, and I'll never see either of them again in any foreseeable circumstances, even if they hadn't been. Apart from the odd exception to prove the rule, like my visiting day on Wednesday, my life at the moment feels like an old clockwork toy, winding down to a halt - no traumas, no excitement, just....nothing.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. You don't have to see them again, just enjoy the one-time experience.

  2. I would have commented earlier, but blogger was on hiatus...

    I hear you about being "in a rut". I struggle every day with going to work, then coming "home" to an empty house - save the dog - and hoping/praying that someone, anyone, will call and say "let's do something".

    But at the same time, the sameness is comforting.

    I am so sad. Sorry.

    Peace <3

  3. Hello Brian and Jay
    I'll get over the flat mood, no doubt - I'll be back at home by Thursday early evening, apart from anything else, for a 5 day long weekend, so there's that to look forward to. But yes, it is a bit of a treadmill at the moment.

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
