Thursday 13 October 2011


It's odd how things can change, with a nudge from an unexpected direction. In the aftermath of my (latest) health scare the other day, I had a post brewing in my mind about the transience of life, and regrets about what I haven't done in the past, and things I probably won't get to do in the future. All the usual stuff, as far as I'm concerned. it could be said.
Then I saw this post, in a new blog I've come across in the past few days, which made me rethink what I was going to say. The first part of the quotation, about the past, is particularly apposite to me - I still cringe, sometimes, over things I said and did literally decades ago. And for what? All the regrets in the world are never, ever, going to change the past. And to throw in a quotation of my own, albeit taken totally out of its original context - 'He who controls the past, controls the future'. If I can come to terms with what has brought me to where I am now, I might just be able to find a congenial way forward. Stranger things have happened.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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